Let’s Work and Travel Together!

Embrace diverse cultures. Meet uniquely-skilled individuals. Travel to witness all the natural beauty that has been created on this planet for us to discover.
Check out Shanelle’s Los Angeles Trailblazers feature in VoyageLA!
Hi, I’m Ricki (aka “Mom”) and I’m Shanelle (aka “Daughter”), and we’re so glad you stopped by! We’re a mother-daughter duo with a passion for traveling the world as much as possible, which is why all our city guides and travel tips are wallet-friendly! If you’re looking to add a little adventure to your life, you’ve come to the right place!
This is not your luxurious 5-star resort kind of blog, so if that’s what you’re looking for, there are many other great resources for you. We are frugal flyers and deal hunters, and darn proud of it! Traveling worldwide is realistic for anyone with a passion, if you have the time to search for the best transportation, accommodation and activity deals.
…Or, just ask us for help! Yes, we’re serious – we just love educating ourselves on new cities around the world, so much so, that we would be more than happy to help you plan your trip, for free of course!
From Shanelle:
I guess you could say, ‘I got it from my mama!’ My LOVE for traveling was instilled in me at a very young age – 2-weeks-old to be exact – that’s when I boarded my first plane and the rest is history…or written on this blog 😉! Whether my next trip is international to some exotic island or just a short drive out of town to the desert, there’s always some new place near and far that I just can’t wait to explore. I’m fortunate to be able to travel a lot, about 10-15 times a year, even if it’s just short weekend trip. That’s not because I make exuberant amounts of money from my job, it’s because I travel smart!
I hope to travel the world full-time someday. For now though, I reside in a small town called Los Angeles. Maybe you’ve heard of it! Okay okay, it’s really anything but small but sometimes it does actually feel small when you realize that LA is really just made up of a bunch of smaller cities, all with their own unique character.
You’ve probably heard of Beverly Hills, Santa Monica and Malibu; oh, and all about LA’s terrible traffic problems. But how about the diverse communities that make LA the unique melting pot it is today? Some of my favorite areas are the off-beat neighborhoods of Frogtown, Highland Park, and Boyle Heights. I guess you could call me a modern-day Huell Howser! Even though I’m a native Angeleno, it wasn’t until a couple of years ago that I felt like I truly began to know my city.
Rich ethnic cuisines. Mash-ups of traditional and contemporary music. Colorful street art that gives voice to ancestral struggles. Unique experiential pop-ups. Yup, that’s Los Angeles in a nutshell.
I challenge you to travel East of the 405 next time you’re in LA and explore more than just the overly-saturated areas on the Westside.
We think the greatest gift we have in life is the ability to travel – especially with all the budget-friendly airlines and travel tips these days! One can only read so much though on a travel blog or see so much on the Travel Channel. Create the opportunity for yourself to live and breathe these cultures – it makes all the difference. Use our blog as a guiding practice so you too can get out there and explore!
A world untraveled is a world unknown.
Email Us! mail@gonearfar.travel
Shanelle’s Media Kit: Shanelle-Jarrel-Media-Kit